Deichbrand Festival July, 17-20 - 2025 Cuxhaven/Nordholz



If you can look back on such a rich discography as the five Düsseldorf metalheads from Callejon, you are also allowed to break new ground. That was already the case in 2013 with "Man spricht Deutsch", a covers album with songs like "Schrei nach Liebe" by Die Ärzte, "Schwule Mädchen" by Fettes Brot or "Durch den Monsun" by Tokio Hotel. In 2019, the game went into a new round and Callejon banged out another cover album called "Hartgeld im Club". There they wrap German rap songs like "Palmen aus Plastik" by Bonez MC & RAF Camora or "Was du Liebe nennst" by Bausa in a metal garb. The DEICHBRAND gives it the rating "definitely worth seeing!".