Deichbrand Festival July, 17-20 - 2025 Cuxhaven/Nordholz
Freitag, 00:10 Uhr, Water Stage 2024

Ritter Lean

Ritter Lean

Adrian Julius Tillmann, initially known as an actor in Berlin, has gained a foothold in the creative scene. After successfully encouraging his friend Ski Aggu to make music, he took the plunge himself in 2023 and became the musician Ritter Lean. His background in film is reflected not only in visually stunning videos, but also in mostly self-produced music. Ritter Lean's vivid storytelling reveals captivating tales of lost souls, endless nights in seedy bars and his penchant for extremes, while not disguising his big ego or vulnerability. With his unique, dirty and honest language, he brings a breath of fresh air to German indie pop. His debut single "Einsame Insel" marked the beginning of a promising musical journey, and was followed by many more successful tracks in 2023.