Deichbrand Festival July, 18-21 - 2024 Cuxhaven/Nordholz



Meanwhile, handbreads are a festival classic. Filled with cheese & ham or cheese & mushroom, they have been at home at festivals for almost 10 years. This year, the new vegetarian specials will complement the classics. The hand breads are prepared right on site, then baked in a wood-fired oven. The golden-brown crust of the wheat dough coats the hearty filling and melt-in-your-mouth Gouda. Toppings include vegetarian cream and fresh chives on each piece. Handbrotzeit are themselves a mixture of experienced enthusiasts as well as young and creative comrades-in-arms, who want to experience a brilliant festival summer with you with full handbread power.

Special feature: There are also vegetarian delicacies!