Deichbrand Festival July, 18-21 - 2024 Cuxhaven/Nordholz

WOW foodzz

WOW foodzz

Much of the world today eats at the expense of our planet, and in a destructive way. Moreover, neither healthy nor balanced. It must be possible to feed the people in harmony with our planet, healthy and balanced. The answer is clearly YES! WOW foodzz uses mainly regional products, especially those that do not make it into the trade because the appearance is not right. They pay attention to nutritional values and balance in every dish. The proportion of vegetable products is always between 80% and 100%. Any information about the dishes is communicated transparently. Due to their product selection, allergy sufferers can dine with them without hesitation.

Special feature: Here you can also find vegetarian and vegan delicacies!